Counting & Numbers Quizmo
LEA 8226
Counting & Numbers Quizmo®
The game helps to develop memory and matching skills along with counting and number recognition. The contents include 5 game boards, 30 flashcards, plastic markers, and an instructional guide with additional activities and game variations. 1-5 players. GR: Pre K to 1.
Activities include:
- Quizmo matching game
- Walking game
- Use with other manipulatives
- Put in numerical order
- 3 Card Concentration
- Solitaire matching
- Plus more!
Additional idea from McRuffy Press:
Memory game: A child studies the game board, turns it over or covers it, and then finds as many of the six matching pictures in the card deck from memory. For older children, you can increase the number of game boards to remember at a time.
Children can gain a point for every picture remembered and lose a point for choosing a card that doesn't have a game board match. Children can take turns and compete. The chips from the game can be used to keep score.