1st Grade Cube Puzzles Page
The video player shows a video model of each completed puzzle.
Click on a lesson number and then the order of the puzzle. A video will then play to show 4 views of the puzzle with the workbook views shown above the puzzle.
The video plays automatically showing each view for a few seconds before switching to the next view. Since it is holding on the first view, it may appear to not be playing. Wait about 5 seconds for the view to change.

Yellow arrows return to previous page.
The video can also be reversed or advanced with the drag bar.
Resource files can be accessed by the link on the top right of the player or the link under the video. Check the file for any updates.
Click this link to see the Puzzle Files. See the notes at the bottom of the PDF pages for any changes from the workbook.
You can download an Inch Cube Building Mat here. Just print and cut on the dashed line.
Helpful Tips:
View our introductory video on YouTube.
Check the update file if you ordered before 04/21/2021.
The side views on the workbook pages and the copies above each video represent how a side would look straight on at eye level with the table. In our videos the perspective is elevated, and you can see parts of other cubes to give clues as to how it is constructed.
Build on a piece of paper (or print the Building Mat) and turn the design to see the different views. Label each side of the paper 1 to 4 in clockwise order to match the views.
When you first look at a puzzle, think about how wide and deep it will be.
When you turn the build, only slide cubes left or right. Cubes may need to be added at any depth.
Don’t add a stack taller than the row to the left after turning, because that would change the previous view.
Sometimes it’s helpful to look at the next view. This is especially true if adding a stack that has a color that isn’t seen in the current view, a cube that is tucked behind a cube in the current view.
Use the pause button on the videos and the drag bar to find any view.
Instead of starting with just the workbook, you may allow students to use the videos to help build the models.
You can do cube puzzles from any grade level for more practice. You can repeat building any model.
We also use smaller centimeter cubes in our science curriculums. In the Kindergarten level we would suggest simply building each view as a two-dimensional pattern, not a three-dimensional puzzle, which is always an option in the other grade levels, too, but may not offer much of a challenge for older students.