Fast Fact Flip and Draw Books
Fast Facts Flip and Draw Books feature a transparent flip-out page. The transparent sheet is bound on the right side of the back cover. This unique design allows children to use dry-erase markers on the transparent sheet, check their answers, and start all over again.
How to use this Flip and Draw Book:
1. Open the front cover and find the page of math facts you want to use.
2. Continue to rotate pages completely to the back.
3. Flip open the back cover to reveal the transparent page.
4. Flip this transparent sheet over the page you want to use.
5. Writing on the transparent sheet with a dry-erase marker, students should trace over the letter (A-Z) in the box at the top of the page. (See the yellow oval in the picture on this page.) Then students write the answers to the math problems.
6. Flip open the transparent sheet with the writing still on it.
7. Find the answer page that matches the letter that was traced (yellow circle in step 5)
8. Flop the transparent answer page over onto the answer page.
9. Compare written answers with the answer key.
10. Erase and do a different page.