Kindergarten Letter Logic
*Free shipping offer does not include the cost of enrollment in any online course.
McRuffy Kindergarten Letter Logic Phonics and Reading has 160 action packed lessons divided into 4 parts (quarters) of 40 lessons. It is a complete online program with lessons for every phonics concept used and other reading concepts, digital reading books, hundreds of quizzes, and practice activities. Some students may be able to work completely independently, but parent/teacher resources are also included.
Although it is designed to be completely digital, McRuffy Kindergarten Letter Logic can be blended with printed materials designed specifically for the program. Workbooks are available below, and pdf teacher directed lessons for the complete course and teaching resources are already in the course lesson folders. The folders also contain the first 10 workbook pages, so you can decide if purchasing a workbook is the right option for the child before you buy.
We've also created handwriting books that follow the Kindergarten Letter Logic sequence to combine handwriting with the phonics program. Re-enforce phonics skills while completing handwriting assignments!
Enrollment Options:

Additional Materials
The following materials are available, but optional for the program.
Handwriting Book:
Kindergarten Letter Logic Traditional Handwriting Book
Optional Workbooks:
Quarter 1

Quarter 1 Includes:
40 Lessons with over 140 digital activities including quizzes, instruction, and online books + the availability of pdf paper activities.
Quarter 1 Teaches:- CVC words using short a and short i
- words with the consonants c, d, f, h, k, m, n, p, r, s, t
- sentence structure and punctuation
- basic sight words
40 Lessons, 125 day enrollment, one student cost regularly $35.00 US
Click here to go to our course site to create an account and then enroll.
(Please note: the link will take you to our online course site where courses may be purchased. It is a separate shopping cart system and items in the shopping cart on this site will not be displayed. The course cost will not apply to the free shipping offer on this website.)
Sample Activities from Quarter 1
Watch a Sample Lesson
Read a Digital Reading Book
Take a quiz
There are many different quiz formats, as well as practice activities, and learning tools. Quizzes are any activities that are scored. In this quiz, click elephants to hear a word and feed the matching peanut to the elephant. Click the check bar to check answers.
Click to see the quiz
Quarter 2

This is the second of four Kindergarten phonics and reading courses. The course applies and strengthens Q1 concepts plus teaches additional letters and sounds.
This is an 8 Week Course. Lesson and week numbers continue from Quarter 1. This is Lessons 41 to 80, Weeks 9 to 16.
Quarter 2 Includes:
The course covers 40 Lessons with over 110 activities including quizzes, instruction, and online books + the availability of pdf paper activities.
The course also includes the option of teacher-led instruction and additional paper activities through PDF resources. PDF resources for weeks 11 to 16 unlock after the completion of Lessons 41 to 50 activities.
Quarter 2 New Concepts:
- CVC words using short o, u and e
- words with the consonants b, g, l, v,
- some color and number words
- basic sight words
40 Lessons
This is a 4-month enrollment (125 days). The course covers 8 weeks of materials and can generally be completed in two months. If students finish before the end of 125 days, students can revisit favorite activities and stories after the course has been completed and work has begun in the next course.
Summer sale! $25.00
40 Lessons, 125 day enrollment, one student cost $35.00 US
Click here to go to our course site to create an account and then enroll.
Quarter 3

This is the third of four Kindergarten phonics and reading courses. The course applies and strengthens Q1 and Q2 concepts plus teaches additional letters and sounds.
This is an 8 Week Course. Lesson and week numbers continue from Quarter 2. This part of the course includes Lessons 81 to 120, Weeks 17 to 24.
40 Lessons with over 120 activities including quizzes, instruction, and online books + the availability of pdf paper activities.
The course also includes the option of teacher-led instruction and additional paper activities through PDF resources. PDF resources for weeks 19 to 24 unlock after the completion of Lessons 81 to 90 activities.
Quarter 3 New Concepts:
- CVC-silent e long vowel words (long a, i, o)
- words with the letters j, x, y, z
- Sh digraph
- Soft sounds of c and g (s and j sounds)
- Question words and other additional reading vocabulary words
40 Lessons
This is a 4-month enrollment (125 days). The course covers 8 weeks of materials and can generally be completed in two months. If students finish before the end of 125 days, students can revisit favorite activities and stories after the course has been completed and work has begun in the next course.
Summer sale! $25.00
40 Lessons, 125 day enrollment, one student cost $35.00 US
Click here to go to our course site to create an account and then enroll.
Quarter 4

This is the last of four Kindergarten phonics and reading courses. The course applies and strengthens Q3 concepts and other quarters plus teaches additional letters and sounds.
This is an 8 Week Course. Lesson and week numbers continue from Quarter 3. This part of the course includes Lessons 121 to 160, Weeks 25 to 32.
40 Lessons with over 135 activities including quizzes, instruction, and online books + the availability of pdf paper activities.
The course also includes the option of teacher-led instruction and additional paper activities through PDF resources. PDF resources for weeks 27 to 32 unlock after the completion of Lessons 121 to 130 activities.
Quarter 4 New Concepts:
- CVC-silent e long vowel words (long u)
- Long e (ee)
- Suffixes: ed, ing, er
- The letter q
- Consonant blends st, mp, gr
- Long o, -oa- spelling
- Long a, -ay
- Other one syllable open vowel words
Summer sale! $25.00
40 Lessons, 125 day enrollment, one student cost $35.00 US
Click here to go to our course site to create an account and then enroll.
Frequently asked Questions for all courses:
I want to use this for a school or I am enrolled in a homeschool charter that would like to track student progress. What Learning Management Systems do you offer?
We can offer the courses to connect to most learning management system through a standardized connection (LTI). You would likely not use the enrollment system with the links on this page. We are building courses in Agilix Buzz (including Agilix Publish Anywhere), and Moodle. Both have different features and both can connect to other popular Learning Managment Systems.
Do you offer quantity discounts.
We offer quantity discounts for classrooms and school districts.
Why four quarters instead of a single course?
This is the format for our self-enrolled courses. Schools using LTI can format the course differently.
We found that limiting the amount of folders on the course landing page made it more user friendly for young children.
It also allows for you to skip quarters that have content your child has already mastered.
Online learning may not be right for every student. There is less risk and upfront cost.
Why is the enrollment subscription for 120 days?
We've made the subscription times twice the time it would take to complete each quarter of the course in a normal school schedule. This allows you to take a much slower pace in the beginning without having to rush at the end. If students finish on the eight week pace, they may also go back and revisit favorite activities and books for review. Subscription times for school licenses may differ.
Can a student complete this course independently or is it teacher taught?
The course is designed to be used either way. Students may need guidance in the beginning to learn how to navigate through the activities early in the course. There are also many PDF resources available to extend teaching. It all depends on the needs of the student, but the online activities cover instruction, practice, reading, and evaluation.
Will I have to print a lot of materials?
You can print all the PDF files, some, or print none at all and still have a complete course. For example, if you choose to use the teaching files, you can teach from an electronic device without printing the files.
What's the best device to use with the course?
We recommend a computer or tablet. It's sometimes difficult to view the entire activity on a phone.
Can I drop the enrollment and get a refund?
You can cancel the course within 15 days or before doing any activity after the first 10 lessons (Lesson 10 for quarter 1, Lesson 50 for quarter 2, Lesson 90 for quarter 3, Lesson 130 for quarter 4) whichever comes first. For this reason, PDF files for the third through the eighth week of any course are not visible until the first 10 lessons are completed.