Second Grade Math Form Worksheets
About Form Worksheets:
Second Grade Form Worksheets are flexible in content and can be used in different ways or repeated over time because the student or teacher adds the content. Sometimes the content is added as a part of the activity.
Number Line Form
or customize the sheet with the
Number Line Fillable Form Generator:
Click to create Number Line Worksheets
Text fields are available to add a title and general instructions at the top.
Each number line also has a text field to add specific instructions such as:
- Label (number) the points by ones, skip counting: by two's, five's, ten's, etc.
- Start labeling from a specific number such as: 39, 25, 47.
- Show a problem such as: 24 + 16 with looped arrows.
- Type short story problems.
Hit the Make button to generate the sheet and make it printable. A print window will open.
Potential Math Standards: 2.MD6, 2.MD.5
Comparing & Estimating Lengths Form
This sheet is introduced in Lesson 28 in the latest version of the teachers manual. You can see a pdf version here. Select two objects of similar size that can be measured with the same 2 tools. Select appropriate tools to measure with. Repeat with different sets of objects and vary the sizes to include inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.
First Row: Write the names or draw pictures of the tools in the top box.
Second Row: Write the units of measure that will be used such as inches, centimeters, feet, meters.
Middle section is divided into 3 columns for the two objects.
Write the name of the objects or draw a picture in the first column for each box. Write estimated and record the measured length for each unit of measurement in the next two columns.
Compare the lengths of the objects in the bottom box by writing a subtraction problem for the difference using each unit of measure.
Standards Correlations:
Select 2 appropriate tools for measuring using different units. 2.MD.1
Measuring with 2 different units. 2.MD.2
Estimating Lengths. 2.MD.3
Measuring to determine how much longer one object is than the other. 2.MD.4
Length Line Plot Form
Use the table to collect data measuring objects. Make a line plot of the data. Repeatable by choosing or randomly drawing objects such as ribbon, string, or paper cut beforehand to specific lengths and drawing and replace them several times to create randomized data to be plotted.
Sample of a completed form:
Standards Correlation 2.MD.9
Hundred Chart Strategy Sheets
Show problems using the hundred chart strategy. Space is provided to write the problem and an explanation.
Hundred Chart Strategy Sheet pdf A blank form
Hundred Chart Addition Strategy Form with a statement outline pdf
Hundred Chart Subtractions Strategy Form with statement outline pdf
The Stratedy Forms feature questions to serve as an outline for telling how the problems were charted. This can be the basis for students telling how the problem was shown on the chart. You may draw dots (circle numbers) on the sheet for students, tell students to circle specific numbers, or place chips on the full size sheet and then draw them on the page. An addition and a subtraction version are available.
Full size Hundred Chart pdf
Standards Correlation 2.NBT.7 and 2.NBT.9
Open Arrows Form
The Open Arrows Form is simply a sheet with 5 blank arrow lines that can be used to show problem solving using open number line strategies.
Standards Correlation 2.NBT.7 and 2.NBT.9
Story Problem Form
This form can be used to show solutions to story problems in the workbook. The problem solutions can be shown on a plain piece of paper. This form simply provides a more organized page for showing up to 3 problems with number sentences and various diagrams that students may draw, such as bar models or number lines.