Fifth Grade Color Math Curriculum
The McRuffy Fifth Grade Color Math Curriculum Package contains the following:
- Teacher’s Manual Set
- Workbook
- Response Book
- Resource Pack
The manipulative kit is not included in this package, but a package with the manipulative kit is available.
The McRuffy 5th Grade Color Color Math series uses a spiral approach. Concepts are introduced and reviewed throughout the year. This avoids many curricula' “learn it and forget it” structure that segments concepts into units. Instead, students continue to build on previous learning throughout the year. Sometimes a concept is expounded on. Sometimes a concept is simply reviewed.
5th Grade concepts include Long Division, Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions, Converting Measuring Units (within a system), Volume and Surface Area, Graphing, Place Value to billions and millionths, Data: mean, median, mode, range, Factoring, Percentages, Decimals, and many more concepts. See the Teacher’s Manual Sample.
The easy-to-use math lesson plans in the Fifth Grade Color Math Teacher’s Manual Set give daily assignments. Lesson objectives are clearly stated at the beginning of the lesson so you’ll know exactly what you’re teaching. The Materials section of the lesson plan states the materials and manipulatives used in the lesson so you’ll be fully prepared to teach. Most lessons require very little advanced preparation.
Teacher’s Manual 1 covers lessons 1 to 80.
Teacher’s Manual 2 covers lessons 81 to 160.

The colorful Math Workbook includes three to five activities per daily lesson. The activities include much more than a sheet of problems to solve. A variety of concepts is offered daily to teach, reinforce, practice, and review concepts. In addition, the fifth grade math workbook includes several instructional pages that introduce new concepts to encourage independent learning.
The back cover of the workbook is The Go-Cart Track Game. Directions are in the workbook and Teacher's Manual. In addition, a printable copy can be found in the Resource Center on the website.
As with other levels, students grow in mental math and listening skills using our unique Response Book. Students record responses to the teacher-read auditory exercises. The format is self-checking and non-consumable. It now includes a basic skills section for mastering multiplication and division skills that connects the two skills by building an understanding of number families. Drill sheets can be reused by incorporating the transparent flip sheet and responding with dry-erase markers.
The Resource Pack includes a variety of unbound sheets. Except for a few sheets, the pack can be fully consumable but can also be reproduced. The resource pack includes over 150 sheets, including testing materials, additional workbook-like activities, graphing, and grid sheets, teacher copies of text pages, and auditory exercises. Included with the resource pack is a precut card set.
The Manipulative Kit is not included in this package, but a package is available that includes both the curriculum and the manipulative kit.
Individual items in the kit are also available. A Color Math Super Kit is also available if you teach children in multiple grade levels, so only one kit must be purchased. The Super Manipulative Kit only covers grades K to 4, but an upgrade kit can be added. The 5th Upgrade contains an angle ruler, protractor, and compass.