First Grade - Phonics and Reading

Cultivating a passion for reading requires laying a solid foundation for young learners. At McRuffy Press, our 1st grade phonics and reading materials are designed especially to build on what children have already learned to prepare them for the years to come. We offer a product line that includes the materials parents and teachers need to ensure success.

The First Grade Phonics and Reading curriculum continues the phonics program from the kindergarten level. More vowel digraphs are introduced. Many consonant blends are used. Language and grammar skills are introduced. Workbook activities are expanded with a fully developed spelling program and a dedicated language and reading workbook. All activities, even the optional handwriting books, integrate a weekly phonics theme to learn phonemes in many contexts.

Use the McRuffy Press Phonics and Reading to meet standard requirements. Our English Language Arts (ELA) standards alignment can be found here.


The 1st grade SE Curriculum also includes free online reading and spelling activities in the McRuffy Playground. This includes bonus reading material, lessons, games, poems, and vocabulary development - all aligned with the curriculum to support your child's learning!

Explore supporting videos at McRuffy.TV

The First Grade SE Phonics and Reading Package includes:

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    Handwriting books are not included in the package.

    The curriculum package and individual items are also available below.